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Work Accident – Friendly Contact

Accident At Work Claims

We will help you claim your compensation

If you’ve been hurt in an accident at work, it can be very daunting even just thinking about how you can claim compensation for your injuries.

You may be suffering from the injuries themselves and quite possibly experiencing the impact on your family and social life. Your income may, for instance, have reduced drastically and you may be relying heavily on your family and friends while you are recovering.

We’re here to assist you in understanding what you can do, and to help you claim the compensation to which you may be entitled. We will arrange free, specialist advice, from highly experienced personal injury compensation lawyers, so that you get the guidance you need.

Here’s the bottom line: if you were injured at work – even if you were partly at fault – you have the legal right to claim compensation. You can claim for the actual injuries and for other related losses, such as loss of earnings, out of pocket  expenses and so on.

There are many causes of accidents and injury at work. If you’re suffering from an illness or condition caused by your working environment, even if it was a previous employer, you may be able to claim compensation.

    How much could you claim?

    Find out in just 30 seconds how much your claim could be worth!

    Was the accident your fault?

    Was the accident in the last 3 years?

    Was your accident in the UK?

    Free enquiry with no obligation

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    Who will pay my compensation?

    We all expect to go to work and remain safe as we go about our responsibilities. However, you may be concerned about the potential impact of making a compensation claim on your employer’s finances, but you needn’t worry.

    Your employer will have liability insurance in place precisely to cover the risk of injury claims by employees, contractors, visitors to the workplace, and so on – it is a legal requirement reflecting the reality that there are risks of accidents and illnesses in all types of workplaces. 

    This means that it will be the insurance company and not your employer who will be paying the compensation. So if you have been unsure about claiming injury compensation, you don’t need to be concerned about the financial impact on your employer.

    • Over 20 Years Experience

    • 100% No Win No Fee

    • Maximum Compensation

    • No Upfront Costs

    What if I was partly to blame?

    It’s not uncommon for an injured employee to blame themselves, when in reality – they were not entirely at fault. It is easy to put an accident down to clumsiness or thoughtlessness, when in fact it was because of insufficient safety measures at work.

    In some cases, the injured employee can be held partly to blame, but it is important to understand that does not exclude you from making a claim. In this case you could be entitled to a proportion of the compensation.

    If you are unsure who was at fault, our specialist lawyers are here to advise.

    Our panel of solicitors offer a free initial consultation, and can usually let you know there and then if they can accept your claim. Claims are handled on a ‘no win no fee’ basis and there are no upfront costs.

    What should I do now?

    We’re here to support you, we will  speak with you and put your mind at rest. You can then focus on what really matters – your recovery.

    We genuinely care about you as an injury claimant. We make a point of working closely with our solicitors and will be here to help every step of the way.

    Free consultation

    Our panel of solicitors offer a free initial consultation, and can usually let you know there and then if they can accept your claim. Claims are handled on a ‘no win no fee’ basis and there are no upfront costs.

    Why Should You Choose Us?


    Empathy and understanding

    Our advisors are known for their empathy, which makes all the difference when you’ve suffered injuries. ‘Thank you for making this easy at a time where I’m currently in a lot of pain!’ (testimonial from Amanda Shaw) 

    A personal service 

    The service we give is tailored to your unique needs. Our advisors will connect you to the best injury solicitor, giving you the maximum chance of a successful claim.

    100% No Win No Fee

    It’s a simple, no obligation process – putting your mind at ease.

    Our panel of specialist injury lawyers offer a No Win No Fee service. This simply means that in the unlikely event that your claim is unsuccessful, there should be no cost to you. Customers typically pay a success fee of 25% of the amount recovered to cover their legal costs.

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      Or if you would like to speak with our friendly advisors right now – simply call

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        How much could your claim be worth?

        Have you been injured in an accident in the last 3 years?
        Did the accident happen in the UK?
        Have you suffered financial losses such as loss of earnings?
        Where were you injured?

        Amounts are based on government 'Guidelines for assessment of general damages in personal injury cases'

        • Neck & Back Injuries
          • Minor neck injuries

            Up to £7,890

            Where a full recovery takes place within a period of about one to two years.

          • Moderate neck injuries

            Up to £38,490

            Injuries such as fractures or dislocations which cause severe immediate symptoms and which may necessitate spinal fusion.

          • Severe neck injuries

            Up to £148,330

            Neck injury associated with incomplete paraplegia or resulting in permanent spastic quadriparesis.

          • Minor back injury

            Up to £12,510

            Where a full recovery or a recovery to nuisance level takes place without surgery within about two to five years.

          • Moderate back injury

            Up to £27,760

            Many frequently encountered injuries to the back such as disturbance of ligaments and muscles giving rise to backache, soft tissue injuries resulting in a prolonged acceleration and / or exacerbation of a pre-existing back condition.

          • Severe back injury

            Up to £160,980

            Cases of the most severe injury involving damage to the spinal cord and nerve roots, leading to a combination of very serious consequences not normally found in cases of back injury.

        • Head Injuries
          • Minor brain or head injury

            Up to £12,770

            In these cases brain damage, if any, will have been minimal. The bottom of the bracket will reflect full recovery within a few weeks.

          • Moderate brain damage

            Up to £219,070

            This category is distinguished from the moderately severe category by the fact that the degree of dependence is markedly lower.

          • Moderately severe brain damage

            Up to £282,010

            The insured person will be very seriously disabled. There will be substantial dependence on others and a need for constant professional and other care.

          • Very severe brain damage

            Up to £403,990

            In cases at the top of this bracket there may be some ability to follow basic commands, recovery of eye opening and return of sleep and waking patterns and postural reflex movement.

        • Shoulder Injuries
          • Minor shoulder injury

            Up to £7,890

            Soft tissue injury to your shoulder with considerable pain but almost complete recovery within one to two years.

          • Moderate - severe shoulder injury

            Up to £12,770

            Frozen shoulder with limitation of movement and discomfort with symptoms persisting for about two years. Also soft tissue injuries with more than minimal symptoms persisting after two years but not permanent. Often associated with neck injuries and involving damage to the brachial plexus resulting in significant disability.

          • Fracture of clavicle

            Up to £12,240

            The level of the award will depend on extent of fracture, level of disability, residual symptoms, and whether temporary or permanent, and whether union is anatomically displaced.

        • Eye Injuries
          • Minor eye injury

            Up to £8,730

            In this bracket fall cases of minor injuries, such as being struck in the eye, exposure to fumes including smoke, or being splashed by liquids, causing initial pain and some temporary interference with vision.

          • Complete loss of sight in one eye

            Up to £54,830

            This award takes account of some risk of sympathetic ophthalmia.

          • Total loss of one eye

            Up to £65,710

            The level of the award within the bracket will depend on age, psychiatric consequences, and cosmetic effect.

        • Hearing Loss
          • Partial hearing loss and/or tinnitus

            Up to £45,540

            This category covers the bulk of deafness cases which usually result from exposure to noise at work over a prolonged period.

          • Total loss of hearing in one ear

            Up to £45,540

            Cases will tend towards the higher end of the bracket where there are associated problems, such as tinnitus, dizziness or headaches.

          • Total deafness

            Up to £109,650

            The lower end of the bracket is appropriate for cases where there is no speech deficit or tinnitus. The higher end is appropriate for cases involving both of these.

        • Facial Injuries
          • Fractures of nose or nasal complex

            Up to £5,100

            (Displaced fracture where recovery is complete but only after surgery.)

          • Fractures of cheekbones

            Up to £15,780

            Serious Fractures requiring surgery but with lasting consequences such as paraesthesia in the cheeks or the lips or some element of disfigurement.

          • Fractures of jaws

            Up to £30,490

            Serious fracture with permanent consequences such as difficulty in opening the mouth or with eating or where there is paraesthesia in the area of the jaw.

          • Damage to teeth

            Up to £11,410

            Loss of or serious damage to several front teeth.

        • Arm Injuries
          • Loss of one arm

            Not less than £137,160

            Arm amputated at the shoulder.

          • Less severe injury arm injury

            Up to £39,170

            While there will have been significant disabilities, a substantial degree of recovery will have taken place or will be expected.

          • Simple fractures

            Up to £19,200

            Simple Fractures of the Forearm.

        • Elbow Injuries
          • Severe elbow injury

            Up to £54,830

            A Severely Disabling Injury.

          • Less severe injuries elbow injury

            Up to £32,010

            Injuries causing impairment of function but not involving major surgery or significant disability.

          • Moderate or minor injury elbow injury

            Up to £12,590

            Most elbow injuries fall into this category. They comprise simple fractures, tennis elbow syndrome and lacerations; i.e., those injuries which cause no permanent damage and do not result in any permanent impairment of function.

        • Wrist Injuries
          • Very minor wrist injuries

            Up to £4,740

            Undisplaced or minimal displaced fractures and soft tissue injuries necessitating application of plaster or bandage for a matter of weeks and a full or virtual recovery within up to 12 months or so.

          • Less severe injuries wrist injuries

            Up to £24,500

            Where these still result in some permanent disability as, for example, a degree of persisting pain and stiffness.

          • Severe wrist injuries

            Up to £59,860

            Injuries resulting in complete loss of function in the wrist, for example, where an arthrodesis has been performed.

        • Hand / Finger Injuries
          • Serious damage to both hands

            Up to £84,570

            Such injuries will have given rise to permanent cosmetic disability and significant loss of function.

          • Moderate hand injury

            Up to £13,280

            Crush injuries, penetrating wounds, soft tissue type and deep lacerations. The top of the bracket would be appropriate where surgery has failed and permanent disability remains. The bottom of the bracket would be appropriate for permanent but non-intrusive symptoms.

          • Severe hand injuries

            Up to £18,740

            Total Loss of Index Finger.

          • Severe hand injuries

            Up to £54,830

            Loss of Thumb.

        • Hip / Pelvis Injury
          • Severe hip / pelvis injury

            Up to £130,930

            Extensive fractures of the pelvis involving, for example, dislocation of a low back joint and a reputed bladder, or a hip injury resulting in spondylolisthesis of a low back joint with intolerable pain and necessitating spinal fusion.

          • Moderate hip / pelvis injury

            Up to £39,170

            Significant injury to the pelvis or hip but any permanent disability is not major and any future risk not great.

          • Lesser injuries hip / pelvis injury

            Up to £12,950

            Cases where despite significant injury there is little or no residual disability. Where there has been a complete recovery within two years, the award may but is unlikely to exceed the mid-point in the range.

        • Leg Injuries
          • Above-knee amputation of one leg

            Up to £137,470

            The award will depend upon such factors as the level of the amputation; the severity of any phantom pains; associated psychological problems; the success of any prosthetics; any side effects such as backache and the risk of developing osteoarthritis in the remaining joints of both lower limbs or in the hips and spine.

          • Severe leg injury

            Up to £54,830

            Serious compound or comminuted fractures or injuries to joints or ligaments resulting in instability, prolonged treatment, a lengthy period of non-weight-bearing, the near certainty that arthritis will ensue; extensive scarring. To justify an award within this bracket a combination of such features will generally be necessary.

          • Moderate leg injury

            Up to £27,760

            Fractures from which an incomplete recovery is made or serious soft tissue injuries.

          • Less severe leg injuries

            Up to £14,080

            Simple fracture of a femur with no damage to articular surfaces.

        • Knee Injuries
          • Severe knee injury

            Up to £96,210

            Serious knee injury where there has been disruption of the joint, the development of ostearthristis, gross ligamentous damage, lengthy treatment, considerable pain and loss of function, an arthroplasty or arthrodesis has taken place or is inevitable.

          • Moderate knee injury

            Up to £26,190

            Injuries involving dislocation, torn cartilage or meniscus which results in minor instability, wasting, weakness, or other mild future disability.

        • Ankle Injuries
          • Severe ankle injury

            Up to £50,060

            Injuries necessitating and extensive period of treatment and/or a lengthy period in plaster or where pins and plates have been inserted and there is significant residual disability in the form of ankle instability and severely limited ability to walk.

          • Moderate ankle injury

            Up to £26,590

            Fractures, ligamentous tears and the like which give rise to less serious disabilities such as difficulty in walking on uneven ground, difficulty standing or walking for long periods of time, awkwardness on stairs, irritation from metal plates and residual scarring.

          • Modest injuries ankle injury

            Up to £13,740

            The less serious, minor or undisplaced fractures, sprains and ligamentous injuries.

        • Toe Injuries
          • Severe toe injury

            In the region of £31,310

            Amputation of the Great Toe

          • Moderate toe injuries

            Up to £9,600

            These injuries include relatively straight forward fractures or the exacerbation of a pre-existing degenerative condition or laceration injuries to one or more toes.

        • Hair Damage
          • Hair / scalp injuries

            Up to £11,020

            Damage to hair in consequence of defective permanent waving, tinting, or the like, where the effects are dermatitis, eczema or tingling or 'burning' of the scalp causing dry, brittle hair, which breaks off and/or falls out, leading to distress, depression, embarrassment and loss of confidence, and inhibitating social life

          • Hair / scalp injuries

            Up to £9,600

            Less serious versions of the above where symptoms are fewer or only of a minor character; also, cases where hair has been pulled out leaving bald patches.

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            Have you been injured in an accident?

            Was the accident in the last 3 years?

            Was the accident in the UK?

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              0800 0511 511

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                    Are you entitled to compensation?

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                    0800 0511 511